Relationships Tip Tuesdays

“Connecting practices? You mean like playing with the toys?” No, that would be K’nex (Don’t worry – I didn’t know it was spelled that way either). I am talking about normal practices that you have with your spouse, your kids, or even your grandkids.

For example – do you and your spouse kiss each other when you leave or arrive home? Now you may say, “Well that’s just a little thing. That’s no big deal.” But the truth of the matter is that many of those “no big deal” practices, such as a kiss or hug when you leave or return, actually can release those endorphins that can create emotional bonding. One of my granddaughters and I established a silly routine years ago that is special to us. She lives out of state, and when we end a phone call, I always say, “Have fun storming the castle,” and she will respond with “It will take a miracle.” Silly lines from the movie, “The Princess Bride.” But it is one way we consistently connect.

Perhaps you have a routine of getting coffee for your spouse every morning, or sitting on the couch together every evening to debrief about your day. Maybe you like to take walks together after a day of work, or sit outside and enjoy the sunset.

Damaging macro-events can destroy connection. But micro-rituals can be the building blocks that lead to lasting bonding. So, you might consider today, how do you connect with those most important in your life?