I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine. During our conversation, we talked about friends we know that are struggling with health issues and others who are relatively healthy but for some reason seem to have grown old. Now I have to admit that I chuckle a little as I write that because . . . well . . . I am . . . let’s say – getting older.
The conversation continued as we discussed the importance of the things we all know that our important for our overall health – eat foods that are good for you and avoid those that aren’t, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep. And while all of those things will indeed contribute to longevity, there are a couple of other factors that seem to assist those who live the longest.
The first one is social interaction. Connecting with people, engaging in stimulating conversations, especially those that may stretch your thinking, as well as offering each other mutual support – are significant contributors to a longer life.
Secondly, is having a reason to get up in the morning – having a purpose. My friend jokingly said that it is coffee that gets him up in the morning. But the truth of the matter is that he enjoys his coffee when he awakes but his life is driven by much greater purpose than just that. He is committed to making a difference. As he endeavors to do that, he remains younger than our peers.
It is a good reminder for me, and perhaps for you as well, to periodically reflect on the question – Just why do we get up in the morning?