Three Critical Appointments – Part One

I recently finished reading a book by bestselling author, Matthew Kelly. Towards the latter part of the book he discussed three appointments that we all have. They aren’t appointments with a prospective boss, or your future wife’s parents, or even someone in law enforcement. They are not complicated but rather are simple, clear, and direct.…

Is Behavior Contagious?

Now your first thought may be, “Well, the flu is contagious, as is a cold, and certainly COVID, but behavior – I’m not so sure about that. A recent study, published in the journal “Archives of Sexual Behavior,” found that “surprising factors may push partners toward infidelity – including spending time around others who see…

Three Feel Goods

Sometimes it may seem that other couples are happier than you. They laugh more and they just seem to enjoy each other more than you and your spouse. Are they just better matched or are they doing something differently? While I can’t speak to how naturally compatible they may be, I do find that most…

Let’s Be The Symphony!

I love the Colorado Springs Philharmonic. I am moved by the string section and the French horns and the woodwinds. I love it all. And I am often caught off guard when I tear up during a musical piece, with no warning. I have asked myself, “What is that about?” Why am I moved in…