Weathering the Storms

For many, getting married was going to be the ultimate lifelong bliss that each and longed for.  We were going to be different from all of those other couples who seemed to fight and struggle with problems.  We had found the one who would make us happy and we would not experience the difficulties that…

Bring Back Fun

Remember when you used to look forward to getting home to your spouse, when you couldn’t wait to have the weekend together?  Remember when the relationship was fun?  For some, fun was two kids and twenty years ago.  But for most, fun was a central part of your relationship early on.  In a university study…

Still Dating

I remember a story from a number of years ago, that a friend related regarding his parents.  He said that when he was growing up, his “normal” was different from that of many of his school friends.  He related that his parents kissed in the kitchen every morning, his dad brought his mom flowers once…

What Do You See?

As I crawl out of bed in the mornings and make my way into the bathroom, I turn on the light and glance into the mirror.  Fortunately, what I see first thing in the morning gets at least slightly better before I leave the house.  But part of the reason that it improves is because…


As a child, I used to hear my parents speak a language that kept us kids from understanding them.  It worked pretty well until we got a little older and could figure it out.  You see, it wasn’t a real language but a made up one called “Double Talk.”  As an adult, I can’t begin…

Practice, Practice, Practice!

How many times have we heard those words in our lives – “practice, practice, practice, “or “practice makes perfect?” I remember as a child hating to hear those words – “it’s time for you to go practice the piano.” I enjoy watching football and seeing skilled players make amazing throws and catches, efficient blocking patterns,…