I Love You

I noted some interesting trends as I was reading a recent worldwide study of thousands of couples.  One of the findings indicated that among the happiest couples, 85% of both men and women said those three magical words at least once a week – “I love you.”  Now, you may read that and think, “well…


There is a great deal of talk in this day and age regarding “getting my needs met,” “what I need to be fulfilled,” “what I want,” and so on.  This generation is often labeled by its needs, expectations, and entitlements.  I find it not surprising that in the wave of technological advances, we have the…

Live Longer

“That really makes me mad.”  “I am livid.”  “I’m seeing red.”  These are all statements of anger.  Sometimes we leave anger unexpressed and other times express it – maybe too much or inappropriately. There are a number of anger centers throughout the world that are designed to help people express anger.  At one center in…


Why is it that there is such disparity in people’s degree of success, happiness, and enjoyment of life?  There are no simple answers and I am sure there are a variety of contributing factors for these differences.   But one reason, that I want to discuss today is “but.”  It is a word that sometimes is…

Actions Trump Words

I recently sat with a couple who were in the heat of a disagreement.  They had an argument that morning that had begun small – over a misunderstood comment but was then followed with the phrase “you don’t support me.”  From there things went down hill at full throttle.  But why?  He was completely offended…

Overcoming Conflict

In a recent interview a number of therapists were asked about recommended strategies for overcoming conflict.  This is such an important topic as unresolved conflict can severely erode the foundation of a relationship to the point that it begins to topple.  I want to adapt a few of their responses today to apply toward the…

Digital Invasion

I don’t know if you have heard one of those commercials where the mom is texting, the daughter is posting on facebook, the son is playing video games, and the dad is watching sports.  As the commercial continues, it says something to the effect of “this weekend – unplug.”  The commercial reinforces what research is…

Divorce: Embrace Your Kids

I want to write this morning about a relationship issue that deviates a little from what I normally talk about.  This is not about relating to your spouse or significant other but about relating to your children.  And more specifically, relating to and helping your children after you have gone through a divorce.  So, for…