Why a Phone Call?

I love the Progressive commercials with Dr. Rick who tries to keep his clients from becoming their parents. In one commercial he plays a voicemail that someone named Julie left for him. Then he asks the group what Julie did wrong. While they answer with a variety of suggestions, he states that she didn’t even…

Who is in Control?

Walking down a side street in New Orleans, my wife and I came across a sign outside of a restaurant that was a tad unusual. While most would advertise their “great food in a fine dining experience,” this one was different. The sign stated that the food was disappointing, the drinks were not all that…

What Do You Expect?

“I’m really frustrated because I arrived home, expecting dinner, only to discover that nothing had even been done, no effort had even been made to start dinner!” Why did this person expect dinner to be ready? It might be because every other night dinner has been prepared. Or it could be that the person grew…

Are You Nearing Burnout?

Burnout has been defined as, “an extreme state of psychological pain.” “It’s a response to facing prolonged, chronic stressors that go beyond your ability or available resources to overcome.” Professor Michael Leiter of Acadia University in Nova Scotia states that burnout has three components – “overwhelming exhaustion, feelings of cynicism, and a sense of discouragement.”…

Would You Like Some Help?

While those sound like good kind words; an offer to assist, to provide support – individual’s reactions often don’t seem appreciative. Why? I have found myself trying to carry an armload of stuff (probably too much stuff) to the recycle bin, and my wife says, “Would you like some help?” To which I reply, “No,…

Are You on the Same Team?

I just finished a counseling session with a couple who talked about wanting to be on the same team, but then everything they discussed demonstrated that they are clearly fighting for their individual agendas. They are far from embracing a “team” concept. In a marriage we are two individuals who “become one”, creating a new…

What is the Purpose of Christmas?

That question may seem a bit strange. You may be thinking “I would understand if you asked “What is the meaning of Christmas?” But the purpose? Well, I’m asking about the purpose of Christmas. Was it established to support the fir tree industry? Or maybe its purpose is to give us a reason to decorate…