Need More Oxytocin?

First, if you are not familiar with oxytocin, in short, it is a chemical in the brain “believed to be involved in controlling fear, stress, social interactions, love, empathy, and the bonding with and acceptance of others.” It is a chemical that can strengthen good and positive feelings. Who wouldn’t want that? Last time I…

Do You Take Time to Play?

When thinking about play, you may relegate it to children. I mean, as an adult, I don’t typically get down on the floor and play with trucks, cars, and transformers. But I certainly do when my grandkids are around. But how about when someone knocks on your door (figuratively speaking) and invites you to play.…

Who Do Kids Prefer?

The question that I am asking is this – do kids prefer people or animals? In a universal ethical principles game developed by MIT researchers, some surprising results were revealed. When children were placed in a hypothetical situation that involved human versus animal life, they frequently chose to send a car careening into a person…

Are You Calm?

That almost sounds similar to a set up question like, “Are you sitting down?” However, I am genuinely asking you if you see yourself as calm? If you are like a major percentage of the population your honest answer may be “No.” I mean think about it – pandemic, inflation, fires, floods, wars and increased…

Do You Have Pistanthrophobia?

You may be thinking, “I certainly hope I don’t have Pssta . . .  Pasta . . . whatever that word is. It sounds awful.” Pistanthrophobia is the fear of trusting others. For most people it comes about because they have been hurt by those in whom they have trusted. Childhood wounds are some of…

How are You Known?

People perceive us in a variety of ways. We may have a stellar reputation for quality work. Perhaps people think of you and they see someone who is always running late. Or maybe when you come to mind, other people’s thoughts go to – lazy, dependable, giving, selfish, caring, handicapped, lonely, grieving, and so on.…

Does Modeling Matter?

I recently read about a woman from New Mexico. One of her parents was a teacher and the other was a nurse. On nights and weekends they would do volunteer work. They were both committed to a life of service. The woman herself became a physician and works with the homeless community and has for…