The Problem with Independence

What? There’s a problem with independence? Our country was founded on this concept – we even have The Declaration of Independence. How can that not be good? Don’t get me wrong – independence is a wonderful idea in so many ways. But sometimes it can inhibit a healthy relationship. While individuals in a marriage certainly…

Who Makes the Decisions in Your Brain?

Now that might seem like a strange question, but we all make decisions – somewhere in our brain. Some people are very analytical, attempting to gather every data point they can in order to make the most reasoned decision possible. Others often make decisions based upon what their “gut” tells them. Some are methodical, taking…

What is Your Source of Happiness?

For most people, happiness seems to be a reaction – a reaction to an event or a set of circumstances. For example, many people have been certain that if they just won the lottery, they would have all that they need and they would be happy. Yet, many stories of lottery winners offer a very…

Can You Be Split?

Don’t be fooled! Those kids of yours are smarter than you may think. Oh, sure – they may look innocent enough, but they are shrewd. You see, with no training, those children somehow know how to take two seemingly intelligent adults and pit them against each other. They know and are competent at splitting us…

How Are You in the Hallway?

Last time we talked about the challenges that we face when a door, or an opportunity, closes but something else or another door doesn’t immediately open to us. We find ourselves, as it were, stuck in the “hallway.” It is not unusual to stand there tapping our foot, waiting for another door to open. But…