Are You Walking in a Way that Helps?
Following the death of his mother, a rabbi once wrote: Some people say the secret to happiness can be broken down into three elements: something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. I had something to do – I was a rabbi, and my congregants were counting on me to function…
Are You FIne? Are You Sure – Walls – Part 5
Have you ever had those times when your significant other seems upset or out of sorts? It may be that he or she is unusually quiet or they simply appear to be distant or cold. So, what do you do? Well, if you are like most of us, you ask, “Is something wrong?” or “Are…
Who are You Trying to Fool?
In 1774, future President John Adams penned the following: We see every day that our imaginations are so strong and our reason so weak, the charms of wealth and power are so enchanting, and the belief of future punishments so faint that men find ways to persuade themselves to believe any absurdity, to submit to…
Don’t Deny That You DId That – Walls – Part 4
Have you ever caught your child red-handed, getting into the cookies when they were told not to because dinner would be ready in 20 minutes? As you stand there in anger and disbelief, you are befuddled by what you are seeing. But even as you see it happening, your kid tries to deny the crime.…