Hang on a Second . . .

Remember when you were a teenager and you were working one of your first jobs. It may have been at a fast-food restaurant, a bagger at a grocery store, or in my case – a paperboy. You may recall that those entry level jobs were not always that much fun. As a matter of fact,…

Patterns of Abuse

I hope that everyone reading this knows nothing about patterns if abuse. It is my wish that none of you have ever been abused and certainly have never been an abuser. However, I know that this is not true. And the patterns I am referring to today are those of emotional abuse. This is probably…

Why Do You Get Up in the Morning?

I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine. During our conversation, we talked about friends we know that are struggling with health issues and others who are relatively healthy but for some reason seem to have grown old. Now I have to admit that I chuckle a little as I write that…

What’s on Your Bucket List?

Lots of people have bucket lists. Some hope to accomplish some harrowing experience like skydiving or bungee jumping. Others hope to summit all of the fourteeners (the peaks that are 14,000 feet or higher) in Colorado. Still others want to travel to some exotic place. As I am writing this in April, yesterday saw thousands…

I’m Retired . . . Now What?

Maybe it’s my age that is causing me to attract clients that are . . . well . . . my age. You see, I seem to be encountering more and more individuals who are approaching retirement age (whatever age that is), or who have retired. Over and over again, I hear stories of individuals…

Is Your Life Just – Things to Do?

I sat with a man in my office this week who had recently retired. He had worked in a state run facility for 30 years, was in his mid-50’s, and had been looking forward to retirement because – well – that’s what you’re supposed to do isn’t it? However, after about two weeks of being…

Would You Like a Do-Over?

Do you remember as a kid, playing a game such as kick-ball, volleyball, miniature golf, or any number of other games – when someone would make an initial mistake and would immediately say “Do-over?” It was if they were saying, “That mistake I made didn’t really happen. I want another shot at it.” And as…

Are You Ready?

When the worst tsunami in generations hit Southeast Asia the day after Christmas in 2004, “60 Minutes” discovered a group of people that had amazingly survived the catastrophe. The Moken people live off the coast of Thailand and they survived because, as “60 Minutes” reported, “they knew it was coming.” “It was their intimacy with…