What Kind of Hungry Are You?

I recently read a quote by author Matthew Kelly in which he said, “The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa talk about ‘the Two Hungers.’ There is the Great Hunger and the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger yearns for food while the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for…

What Do You Bring Out?

Have you ever heard someone make the statement, “He/She just brings out the worst in me?” Usually, the statement is made by the person who has just reacted angrily, said something inappropriate, or done something foolish. But rather than own their misbehavior, they attempt to place the blame on the other person by making it…

The Best Apology!

How would you sum up what a great apology looks like? You probably want it to be sincere, but what else? There are certainly things that can cancel out an apology. For example, if someone has deeply hurt you and they toss a flippant “Sorree,” your way, I doubt that you feel any better. You…

Are You Living the Good Life?

What does that question even mean? When you hear that question, I wonder what comes to mind for you? For some, it conjures up pictures of laying on the beach, listening to the waves, with a cold drink in your hand, which somebody comes and refills without you even having to ask. Or perhaps it…

Is It Worth the Effort?

Sometimes thinking is hard. We have so much that seems to demand our attention on a regular basis, that we often just allow the mundane things of the day consume our brain power – either that or one of our many screens. But there are certainly bigger issues that deserve our consideration. Things like –…

Why Can’t You Forgive?

At first glance, your response may be, “I can forgive and I do forgive,” and I am sure that you do. But I’m wondering how you do at forgiving yourself? Ah! That’s a little more difficult. And there are a couple of reasons that so many of us struggle with this. First, when we make…