Is Your Marriage Tired – Or is it You?
When is the last time that you woke up completely and totally refreshed? If you are like most of us, you may not remember when. All you may know is that it hasn’t been during the last decade. We easily find ourselves exhausted from: work, fixing meals, running the kids around (or chasing around after…
Have We Gotten Off Track?
As a nation, we have come a long ways from our founding roots – which has not been a good thing. It seems that our country is more politically divided than I ever recall and values that we once held dear and precious seemingly have been discarded for an “anything goes” approach. Absolutes have morphed…
Have You Been Hurt?
That may seem like a silly question. I mean, if you have been alive any length of time, you have certainly been hurt by someone. It may have been a cutting comment, a rude response, a betrayal, and the list goes on. So, the obvious answer to the question is, “Yes, I’ve been hurt.” Perhaps…