Do You Make Time to Serve?
If you are anything like I am, you probably think that serving others is a good idea. I know individuals who serve at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving Day, or volunteer to assist teachers in a classroom, or snowplow their neighbor’s driveway. These deeds of service are admirable and they speak love. But how are…
Are You Lonely?
At one time or another, all of us have experienced feelings of loneliness. While it may be temporary, for many it seems to be a chronic condition. A story from a recent PastorServe leter caught my eye as it discussed the magnitude of the problem in England. The letter states: The United Kingdom recently created…
Are You Resting to be More Productive?
As you read that question, your first thought is probably more along the lines of, “Wait, shouldn’t I not be resting so that I can get more done?” My approach may sound like an upside down plan. But I would ask you to consider a story told by author Steven Covey. There were two men…