Can You Grow Where You’re Planted?

You may be wondering what I mean by “Where you’re planted.” So, allow me to elaborate. I have encountered many people who are always “going to grow – someday.” They may be thinking – “I can’t reach my potential in this company.” Or, “This city will never be home. I am pining for my roots…

When Disagreements are Hard

Remember when you were dating your future spouse and you seemed to agree on everything? You wanted two children and so did he. You both liked Italian food, wanted to travel, enjoyed hiking, and had the same spiritual goals. Nothing could be better. However, once you got married, you discovered that you weren’t quite as…

Are You Doing Good for Yourself? – Part 2

Last time, we began to look at how we can become more effective at setting our future selves up for greater success – and that principle is true whether we are talking about careers, finances, relationships, retirement, and so on. I have counseled so many clients who live with regrets: “I regret not finishing college…

Enquiring Minds Want to Know

I remember when this phrase was all the rage as part of an advertising campaign for “The National Enquirer Magazine.” And I can’t help but remember that phrase when I think about healthy relationships. You see, one of the hallmarks of healthy marriages is having an inquisitive mind when it comes to your mate. Whether…

Are You Lost in the Weeds?

I feel as though I am in the weeds today. What do I mean by that? Do you ever plan your day or your week, expecting to make great headway on your meaningful and significant goals – only to get derailed? Perhaps you are checking your email and you come across one that winds up…