Do You Know My Cousin?

While most of you would respond with, “No, I don’t know your cousin,” if you are fortunate, you know someone like her.  I wrote this about her in the dedication of my recent book, Diana “never ceases to amaze me with her determined faithfulness to overcome the challenging obstacles of this world in order to…

Do You Have it All Together?

“Well, that’s a silly question – of course I do.  It’s everyone else that doesn’t.”  OK – if we are honest, we will readily admit that we are far from having it “all together.”  And yet, when it comes to our most important relationships, we often resist admitting that we make mistakes.  Rather than expose…

A Prayer

T.G.I.M.  Thank God It’s Monday because: Mondays Matter A Prayer A minister was attending a men’s breakfast.  He asked one of the older farmers there to pray the prayer that morning.  The farmer began, “Lord, I hate buttermilk.” The pastor opened one eye and wondered to himself where this was going.  Then the farmer said,…

What, Where, Why?

What?  Where?  When? Why? What is the meaning of life?  Where am I going?  When will it all make sense?  Why am I here?  These are the questions that have preoccupied the great thinkers and philosophers of the ages as well as millions of other people. I had a professor in graduate school who would…

Happily Ever After

I can still recall the stories I read as a child or saw in the fairy tale movies.  They all seemed to end with, “And they lived happily ever after.  – The End.”  However, you have probably noticed that real life rarely follows that simple script.  It would be wonderful if we met our mate…