Do You Know Where You’re Going?
Many of you who are reading this have been reading “Relationships Tip Tuesdays” on a weekly basis, perhaps for years. Beginning this month, “Relationships Tip Tuesdays” will continue, but on a semi-monthly basis as opposed to a weekly one. While you might think it is because I have grown tired after 5 years of writing…
Have You Grown Lazy in Your Love?
Remember those early days of dating? If you were in high school, you guys may have gone to enormous effort to creatively ask her to prom; or endeavored to shop and find her the perfect birthday present. Or you women may have spent hours in front of the mirror working to achieve the “perfect look”…
Want to be a Better Parent?
I was intrigued by a recent article in the OP/ED section of our newspaper, “Ten reasons to live without a smartphone.” As I read numerous studies regarding the ways in which smartphones impact relationships, this caught my attention. The author cites the high percentage of smartphone users in the 18 to 49 age bracket and…
Do You Offer Empathy?
I was recently reminded while reading an article from Parenting with Love and Logic of the crucial nature of empathy. It is the cornerstone upon which our entire relational house is built. And, while they are primarily focused on parent’s relationships with their children, the principle applies to all relationships – especially those with our…