For Men

At first I intended to just use excerpts of this letter in my comments.  However, I fear my comments would pale in comparison to the power of the letter as it stands.  Ronald Reagan wrote this letter to his son on the eve of his wedding.  They are powerful words for all men. June 1971…

Need a New Password?

I came across an article a few months ago in which the author was complaining about the continual need for new passwords.  I could relate as every 90 days my university wants me to change my computer password.  In the case of the author of the article, his company made him change his every 30…

Does the Whining Help?

My mother is the mildest mannered and least confrontational person that I know.  So, it was interesting, and out of character, for her to recently comment to a family member, “I think if they took the word complain out of the English language, you wouldn’t have anything to say.” Let’s face it, we like to…

How Far Can You Push?

A recent article asked this question in a number of ways.  It examined attempts that individuals have made to push their bodies to extremes.  For example: the longest someone has been able to last without solid food was 382 days; or the most friends (not Facebook friends) a person can have is 150; or the…

Did You Notice?

A few years ago, a friend of mine shaved off his mustache, which he had been sporting for a number of years. One evening while he and his wife were out to dinner with some mutual friends, the other couple asked, “Hey, when did you shave your face?” Quickly turning her head in surprise, his…

Big Weddings

I recall watching an episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond,” in which we are transported back to when Raymond and Debra decided to get married. Debra talked about how she had dreamed of getting married since she was a little girl.   Over the years she had thought about what she would wear, the size of the…