Do You Want Attention?

Now my wife would say “No.” She does not like to be the center of attention. However, she likes to have my attention just as I like to have hers. A 2017 study on relationship experiences was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The research found that on days that a person’s…


Is Kindness Headed Toward Extinctiion?

While I certainly pray that is not the case, Jamil Zaki, a Stanford psychologist and director of its Social Neuroscience Laboratory, states, “If you wanted to design a system to break empathy, you could scarcely do better than the society we’ve created.” He believes that we are becoming more and more disengaged, citing the amount…


Are You Connected?

My wife and I have four grandkids ranging from 6 months to 4 years of age. As I have watched the newest one with her mother, I continue to be fascinated with the bonding process. I know from watching Erica interacting with our granddaughter, just how vital and easily that connection can happen. And securely…
