I’ll Get Around to It

I had a client a couple of years ago who had Attention Deficit Disorder and worked remotely in his job– in other words, he worked for a company, but worked from home.  Now he liked working from home because he could work whatever hours and in whatever attire he desired . . . .  as…



Back during the Christmas holidays, I had the most unbelievable experience.  My wife and I were out of town and had the opportunity to spend an afternoon and evening with a couple of my cousins and their spouses.  We went to one of their homes, visited in the afternoon, went out to dinner, then came…


Connecting with Touch

How do you connect with touch?  For too many, this question stirs up thoughts of – “Ok, here is where he is going to talk about why we need to have more sex.”  “Well, we just can’t right now.  I mean the kids are on the go constantly and any free time seems to be…


Super-Glue or Teflon

“When happiness shows up always give it a comfortable seat.” – Charles Dickens Neuroscientists have repeatedly demonstrated that the more we reinforce thinking in our brains, the stronger those connections become.  For example, re-experiencing a trauma can lead to irrational but paralyzing fears. It is interesting to notice how things like insults, discouragement, or bitterness…


Put It in Writing

On a past Valentine’s Day, a California based film editor gave his wife a journal.  His thinking was that they could take turns writing to each other.  They found that they both enjoyed this process.  As a matter of fact, his wife expressed the excitement that she feels when she notices that he has replaced…


I’ll Tell Him Later

When is the last time you told your spouse that you love him or her?  That you appreciate them?  That you are grateful for the ways they tolerate your crazy antics?  Maybe it has been too long.  While we know those are good things to communicate, right now doesn’t seem like a good time.  I’m…


Admit it and Shut Up

You just got home from the dentist and told your wife that he wanted $200 to fix a tooth.  While he had explained to you the risk of waiting to get it fixed, such as breaking the tooth and then needing a root canal, you just don’t want to shell out the money right now. …


Have You Been in Love?

I can imagine what you are thinking as you read that title – “well duh, of course I have been in love.”  I realize that.  We have been in love with our – 1st grade teacher, the red-headed girl on the playground, the new student sitting across from us in our freshman college class, or…


Ledger Book Thinking

“I met one woman in Georgia who has been married to her husband for over 60 years.  After being asked for her best relationship advice, she paused and then said, ‘Don’t be afraid to be the one who loves most.” – Nate Bagley I thought about this advice as I sat this week with a…
