Are Your Children Entitled? – Part 2
In my last Relationship post we began to look at ways that we as parents have been known to enable our child’s entitled expectations. While we may have done so inadvertently, the consequences are the same. And the only thing more aggravating than an entitled child is an entitled adult – which is what entitled…
DetailsWhat are Your Accomplishment Goals?
That seems like a reasonable enough question. I mean everyone needs goals for what they would like to accomplish – right? While that certainly may be true, the question turns into what kinds of things do we want to accomplish and are there differences that matter? Things that people want to accomplish run the gamut.…
DetailsAre Your Children Entitled? – Part 1
I frequently hear frustration from parents regarding how entitled their children are. They expect all of the privileges that their family and life have to offer without having to exert any effort of their own in the process. They just can’t seem to understand why this happens. As I dig a little deeper, I learn…
Details“Wherever You Go, There You Are”
I know you are probably thinking – “Such profound words,” or maybe not. This a phrase I have jokingly used for decades, as it is more of an absurd statement of the obvious. However, if we dig a little deeper, it might not be as absurd as we think. Author Jon Kabat-Zinn, actually used this…