Are You Ready?

When the worst tsunami in generations hit Southeast Asia the day after Christmas in 2004, “60 Minutes” discovered a group of people that had amazingly survived the catastrophe. The Moken people live off the coast of Thailand and they survived because, as “60 Minutes” reported, “they knew it was coming.” “It was their intimacy with…


What’s Better Than Sex?

Now that I have your attention, you may be thinking a variety of things. Some may say, “Nothing is better,” while others may think, “Lots of things are.” Regardless of which camp you may fall into, sexual intimacy, when approached with love in a lifelong relationship, is potentially one of the most bonding activities a…


What are Your Emotional Struggles?

Emotions are feelings that we all experience. Some emotions we think of as positive – such as love, hope, optimism, and joy. Others we often perceive as negative – hate, anger, pessimism, and resentment. However, I would submit that there really aren’t positive and negative emotions. Feelings just are. We may be happy or sad…


Do You Know Your Triggers?

We all have them – triggers. However, we are not all aware that we do or even what they are. For example you may notice that you are talking with your spouse and they make an innocent comment, such as “You know what you should do,” and suddenly your stomach begins to churn and you…


Is Truth True?

I know that is a weird question, but it was prompted by the experience of an elementary school teacher. One day, while teaching a particular lesson, she asked the question, “Is the truth true for everyone. Thinking the answer was obvious, she was shocked to discover that many of her students thought that truth was…


Four Ways to Put Points in the Love Bank

Author Willard Harley wrote a book years ago titled, “Love Busters.” In it he compared the love that we give and receive to our mate with managing our checking accounts. For example, with our bank accounts, we make deposits and withdrawals. Similarly, in our significant relationships, we make love deposits and love withdrawals. As long…


What Kind of Hungry Are You?

I recently read a quote by author Matthew Kelly in which he said, “The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa talk about ‘the Two Hungers.’ There is the Great Hunger and the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger yearns for food while the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for…


What Do You Bring Out?

Have you ever heard someone make the statement, “He/She just brings out the worst in me?” Usually, the statement is made by the person who has just reacted angrily, said something inappropriate, or done something foolish. But rather than own their misbehavior, they attempt to place the blame on the other person by making it…


The Best Apology!

How would you sum up what a great apology looks like? You probably want it to be sincere, but what else? There are certainly things that can cancel out an apology. For example, if someone has deeply hurt you and they toss a flippant “Sorree,” your way, I doubt that you feel any better. You…
