“Do as I Say . . .”

Did you ever have your parents say to you, “Do as I say, not as I do?”  Or worse yet, have you ever made that statement to your own children?  The truth of the matter is – the statement is not very brilliant (OK, I’ll just say it – “It’s dumb”), and it has a…


Have We Lost Perspective?

Do you recall times when your plans were certain (or at least you thought they were)?  You were going on a hike on the weekend, or to a movie Friday night, or to some particular university to get a degree in your planned field of study.  There were things to see and mountains to climb…


Do You Hear It?

We live in a world that seems to be built on “Can you hear me now?”  Think about it.  You are watching TV – it goes to commercial and the volume increases.  Your email receives so many junk emails that you have to spend time daily hitting “delete, delete, delete . . . .”  Your…


Thank You Notes

If you are a fan of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, you have probably seen his sketch “Thank You Notes.”  In this he often pays tribute to all kinds of unsung people, places and things.  And no doubt, being mentioned on national TV is libel to be greatly appreciated. Think about when you have…
