What are t he Ramifications?

Many of us were anxious to see 2020 come to an end with a hopeful fresh 2021. However, as we soon discovered, just because the date on the calendar changed didn’t mean that the problems of 2020 went with it. We are in March and the struggles are still with us. What are the ramifications…

How Did the President Do?

Your first thought may be “He has done amazing work,” or “He has done a lousy job.” But first you might want to find out what I am referring to – the economy? The Virus? Foreign affairs? Or, even still, you might need to see if we are talking about the same President. Over the…

Do You Know the Secret of Life?

I was recently sent a “Broom-Hilda” comic strip. In this cartoon, one character says, “Irwin, What do you believe is the secret of life?” In the next two panels you see Irwin scratching his head giving this question some serious thought. Finally, he responds with, “Brushing after every meal?” The first character is in disbelief,…

Practice Makes Perfect

I used to hate hearing that as a kid when Mom would say that in reference to the piano lessons that I detested. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the piano, it was just that I hated the weekly lessons with the teacher’s expectations exhibited through critical eyes. At least that was how it felt.…

What are Your Accomplishment Goals?

That seems like a reasonable enough question. I mean everyone needs goals for what they would like to accomplish – right? While that certainly may be true, the question turns into what kinds of things do we want to accomplish and are there differences that matter? Things that people want to accomplish run the gamut.…

Who are You Trying to Fool?

 In 1774, future President John Adams penned the following: We see every day that our imaginations are so strong and our reason so weak, the charms of wealth and power are so enchanting, and the belief of future punishments so faint that men find ways to persuade themselves to believe any absurdity, to submit to…

Can You Wait?

 Author and therapist Eric Scalise writes, “We now live in the most technologically connected, but relationally disconnected, culture this country has ever experienced.” “Goodness, what did people do when they had an hour commute home from work and were unable to connect with a family member . . . unless, of course, they wanted to…