Does Worrying Give You More Control?

It was 1989 when Jerry Jones bought the Dallas Cowboys.  He came with the determination to make big changes in order to get the team back on track with their historic winning ways.  However, some of the transitions were not timed or handled well.  Well, actually they were mangled pretty badly.  One of those mishandles…

Are You a Donkey?

Now I can imagine that as you read the title you may be thinking, “Well, my spouse has told me that I am stubborn like a donkey before.”  But that is not what I am talking about today. A story is told of a farmer’s donkey that fell down into a well.  The animal cried…

Do You Have a Goal?

Following the Dallas Cowboys first Super Bowl when in the 1970s, many expected them to repeat as champions the following year.  But they didn’t.  While some players came back and worked with the same intensity that next season, others looked at the ring on their finger and were satisfied that they had achieved “the ultimate.”…

Are You Kind?

We often think of kindness as being nice or pleasant to someone.  But I want us to consider kindness as more purposeful today.  Ephesians 4:32 says that we are to be “kind and compassionate to one another.”  But what does that look like? I recently read a series of stories about individuals who set out…

Life is Too Short!

Have you ever heard, thought, or said those words – “Life is too short?”  If so, what was the context?  Typically, we do so either commenting on something we don’t want to do or on something that we really want to do.  For example – “I can’t believe that I had that same argument with…

Do You Make Time to Serve?

If you are anything like I am, you probably think that serving others is a good idea.  I know individuals who serve at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving Day, or volunteer to assist teachers in a classroom, or snowplow their neighbor’s driveway.  These deeds of service are admirable and they speak love.  But how are…

Can You Change Your Circumstances?

“Not again.  The car won’t start; just like yesterday.”  “The baby didn’t sleep again last night.”  “As usual, he forgot to stop by the grocery store for me on his way home.” These and other irritants can drive us crazy.  While they seem to be minor in nature, they often have the power (or so…