Are You Nearing Burnout?

Burnout has been defined as, “an extreme state of psychological pain.” “It’s a response to facing prolonged, chronic stressors that go beyond your ability or available resources to overcome.” Professor Michael Leiter of Acadia University in Nova Scotia states that burnout has three components – “overwhelming exhaustion, feelings of cynicism, and a sense of discouragement.”…

What is the Purpose of Christmas?

That question may seem a bit strange. You may be thinking “I would understand if you asked “What is the meaning of Christmas?” But the purpose? Well, I’m asking about the purpose of Christmas. Was it established to support the fir tree industry? Or maybe its purpose is to give us a reason to decorate…

Do You Have Any Regrets?

According to the 2020 World Regret Survey of more than 15,000 people from 105 countries, 80% said that they experience occasional regret, approximately 20% reported regret most all the time, and only 1% stated they never feel regret. If you are part of the 1%, you may believe that is a good place to be.…

Do You Want to Slow Aging?

“Well,” you may think, “That’s a dumb question. Of course I want to slow aging but there is just no way to do it. The candles on the birthday cake just keep adding up.” While it is true that our aging numbers get larger every year, that doesn’t mean that we have to age at…

Do You Take Time to Play?

When thinking about play, you may relegate it to children. I mean, as an adult, I don’t typically get down on the floor and play with trucks, cars, and transformers. But I certainly do when my grandkids are around. But how about when someone knocks on your door (figuratively speaking) and invites you to play.…

Are You Calm?

That almost sounds similar to a set up question like, “Are you sitting down?” However, I am genuinely asking you if you see yourself as calm? If you are like a major percentage of the population your honest answer may be “No.” I mean think about it – pandemic, inflation, fires, floods, wars and increased…

Do You Have Pistanthrophobia?

You may be thinking, “I certainly hope I don’t have Pssta . . .  Pasta . . . whatever that word is. It sounds awful.” Pistanthrophobia is the fear of trusting others. For most people it comes about because they have been hurt by those in whom they have trusted. Childhood wounds are some of…

How are You Known?

People perceive us in a variety of ways. We may have a stellar reputation for quality work. Perhaps people think of you and they see someone who is always running late. Or maybe when you come to mind, other people’s thoughts go to – lazy, dependable, giving, selfish, caring, handicapped, lonely, grieving, and so on.…