Do You Need a Clue?

I don’t know about you, but most of the time I need all the clues I can get – just ask my wife. But let me back up; you are probably wondering “Clues about what?” Most of us have probably walked into a restaurant and seen a couple, or perhaps an entire family, sitting at…

How to Demonstrate Empathy

Over the years I have heard many descriptions of empathy and distinctions between empathy and sympathy. I recently came across a quote that I really like. “Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.” Now as you ponder that you will probably realize that it is a mixed bag. If the echoes I…

Do You Have Friends?

As I ask that question, I sincerely hope that you have all of the loyal friends that you want.  However, not everyone does. A recent Fox News Headline labeled millennials as “The Loneliest Generation.” A recent study found that “25 percent of millennials say they have no acquaintances, 27 percent say they have no close…