Are You Hurting or Healing?

Now at first glance, you may think that the title is asking whether you are personally improving in your emotional life or whether you are continuing in some kind of pain?  And while that might be a valid question, this is asking something entirely different.  The question for you to consider today is more along…

Forgiveness – It’s Not Easy

American poet Jimmy Santiago Baca once wrote, “Being human without forgiveness is like being a guitarist without fingers.”  Most of us think of forgiveness as optional – if I feel like it or if the other person has groveled enough to earn it.  But if Baca is correct, then forgiveness is anything but optional –…

If He Loves Me . . .

When life gets challenging, we all need understanding and support – especially from our spouse.  While we all agree with that, or at least we think we do, I would ask, “What are we talking about?”  You see when someone says “support” it is easy to think we all mean the same thing but oftentimes…

What Do You Have to Lose?

A New York University researcher reported last year that in a study which allowed people to bend the rules (cheat), individuals were more likely to do so in order to avoid loss rather than to make a gain.  I experience this application to marriage on a daily basis. As I encounter couples in my counseling…

Are You an Idiot?

I love watching reruns of “Everybody Loves Raymond” in part because many of Ray and Debra’s interactions are so common to many marriages.  Ray has the propensity (as do many of us) to say and do ridiculous things, resulting in Debra often calling him an idiot.  Now while I don’t recommend calling your spouse an…

Do You Protect Your Heart?

Normally when we think about protecting ourselves, especially our heart, we imagine that we are attempting to keep others from hurting us.  The idea of “protection” conjures up pictures of our being attacked or mistreated in some manner that cause us to erect defenses that will keep us safe.  And while those images are accurate,…

Do You Have it All Together?

“Well, that’s a silly question – of course I do.  It’s everyone else that doesn’t.”  OK – if we are honest, we will readily admit that we are far from having it “all together.”  And yet, when it comes to our most important relationships, we often resist admitting that we make mistakes.  Rather than expose…

Happily Ever After

I can still recall the stories I read as a child or saw in the fairy tale movies.  They all seemed to end with, “And they lived happily ever after.  – The End.”  However, you have probably noticed that real life rarely follows that simple script.  It would be wonderful if we met our mate…