It’s Too Late

“It’s too late,” the husband exclaimed!  After a 23 year marriage, his wife had berated him in front of the kids for the last time!  It seemed that whenever they had a disagreement, she would use the argument as an opportunity to prove – that she was the better parent, the better spouse, the better…

The 3 Minute Argument

As I sat in my office yesterday, a couple recounted an argument that they had on Valentine’s Day (Not the best day to argue).  In actuality, they were both attempting to make the day romantic and special, but somehow managed to miscommunicate something that should have been minor and easily cleared up.  But it wasn’t.…

Is Your Mate Ideal?

When you read that question, what comes to mind?  When we were in high school, many of the girls thought, “Well he must be tall and muscular, have a nice car, and make at least a little money.”  The guys might have said, “She needs to be slim, cute, and have blonde (brunette, red, fill…

Are You Deluded?

“Jealousy is a form of delusion, based on the notion that someone’s gain is somehow our loss.”  As I recently read that quote, I thought, “Hey that’s a great quote.  I can’t believe they thought of that before I did.  Boy, I’ll show them.”  Ok, only kidding on that last thought.  However, what I did…


Back during the Christmas holidays, I had the most unbelievable experience.  My wife and I were out of town and had the opportunity to spend an afternoon and evening with a couple of my cousins and their spouses.  We went to one of their homes, visited in the afternoon, went out to dinner, then came…