What’s Better Than Sex?

Now that I have your attention, you may be thinking a variety of things. Some may say, “Nothing is better,” while others may think, “Lots of things are.” Regardless of which camp you may fall into, sexual intimacy, when approached with love in a lifelong relationship, is potentially one of the most bonding activities a…

What Do You Bring Out?

Have you ever heard someone make the statement, “He/She just brings out the worst in me?” Usually, the statement is made by the person who has just reacted angrily, said something inappropriate, or done something foolish. But rather than own their misbehavior, they attempt to place the blame on the other person by making it…

The Best Apology!

How would you sum up what a great apology looks like? You probably want it to be sincere, but what else? There are certainly things that can cancel out an apology. For example, if someone has deeply hurt you and they toss a flippant “Sorree,” your way, I doubt that you feel any better. You…