Mondays Matter

Last time we looked at the first of three critical appointments that we all must address. The first one was an appointment that we have with ourselves. This involves examining ourselves and our lives on a daily basis to see if we are who we say we are. We look at why we get up in the morning and our own authenticity.

The second critical appointment that we will have to keep is with God. People will often avoid God and will run from this appointment. Frequently, we will try anything – the newest exercise program, the latest and greatest meditation app, the trendy self-help book, and the list goes on.

Our Creator knows us, knows what we need, and truly, He knows what will satisfy the longing of our souls. As Matthew Kelly writes, “Only in union with God do we discover and become our truest self.”

Life is messy, difficult, and more than challenging. I think we can all agree on that. More often than not, our own attempts at addressing struggles only make it messier. As we attempt to rebuild our inner lives on our own, we are met with confusion and unrealized expectations. All of this while God patiently waits for us to get these futile attempts out of our system and allow Him to be Lord of our lives.

We will all have an appointment with God. What we do with that is critical. I don’t know about you, but my soul needs restoration that only He can provide. I encourage you to make the most of this appointment.