How do you connect with touch? For too many, this question stirs up thoughts of – “Ok, here is where he is going to talk about why we need to have more sex.” “Well, we just can’t right now. I mean the kids are on the go constantly and any free time seems to be filled with house repairs or taking care of our parents. Besides, when he snarls at me most of the time, I really have no interest.”
I get all of the above issues, which is why what I am talking about here is just a little bit of warm touch. A group of researchers from Brigham State University reported the benefits that couples experience from a simple, non-sexual, gentle touch on each other’s hand, arm, shoulders, or neck. Even this level of touch increased oxytocin which is a hormone that reduces blood pressure and stress while facilitating emotional bonding.
For those who don’t have time for full-blown intimacy, this reassuring touch still served to enhance the relationship. While for others, where intimacy had stalled due to a variety of other hurts, non-sexual touch began to rebuild an emotional platform from which future intimacy could grow.
So, with no agenda other than expressing love and warmth for your spouse – I encourage you to try some non-threatening simple touch this week. It can build both positive feelings and strengthened connection with your spouse.