Normally when we think about protecting ourselves, especially our heart, we imagine that we are attempting to keep others from hurting us. The idea of “protection” conjures up pictures of our being attacked or mistreated in some manner that cause us to erect defenses that will keep us safe. And while those images are accurate, I want us to consider this phrase today with a slight shift.
Do you ever guard your heart from something that may feel good? I know that sounds like a strange question, but allow me to explain. As a husband, I often think more in terms of trying to protect my wife and her heart. However, if I am not careful, I can find that I have allowed people or things to come into places in my heart that should be reserved ONLY for my spouse. The world doesn’t care much about my values, as a result they want to capture my heart – my attention, my passions, my affections. Even people who appear to care about me may want to occupy those sacred places that are reserved only for my spouse.
I like the phrase that author Jerry Jenkins uses when he says that we need to build “hedges” of protection around our marriage. I encourage you to consider today how you protect your heart – and in turn your marriage.