Have you ever felt that way? You fell in love with this wonderful person. You liked their personality, their characteristics, their habits (well, most of them), and their interests. This was perfect. But then after a few years, something happened. You woke up one day and it dawned on you – there was a stranger sleeping in your bed, and you may have thought – “What happened to my husband or wife?”
Yes, some individuals really don’t like change. However, is that realistic? You might ask yourself, “Am I the same exact person that I was 5 or 10 years ago?” The answer is, most likely – not. You see, this journey called “Life”, from the time we were born, is about shaping and growing. The person I was at 15 is not the same person I was at 30. And the person I had become at 30 was quite different from who I was at 50.
I remember seeing a button back in the 70’s that said, “Please be patient with me. God is not finished with me yet.” God is indeed not finished with any of us. He continues to grow and shape us into the kind of people He wants us to be – if we will let Him. And (this may be uncomfortable to swallow) He often uses our spouses to help shape us, and us to contribute to their growth as well. It is an important responsibility for both of us.
Therefore, my encouragement to you today is demonstrate grace as those around you are becoming, and thankfulness when they extend the same understanding toward your own changes. With anticipation, embrace what God is doing in you and your relationships.